

When I wrote my first alphabet I was amazed at all the power that a single crayon had.

When I wrote my first maths problem and I met all those numbers for the first time I realized that they only made sense inside my head and I wondered why did I have to think of a two if I raised my index finger and my thumb.

When I wrote my first poem something was born inside myself. It was a storm because it was sharp and unclear. It was an ocean because it was deep and dark. I guess it was just myself after all, with all the darkness and sharpness I have ever dared to wield.

When I wrote my first love letter I discovered that time was fleeting and that people hurt. I thought I would find a way to stop time and I thought I would figure all this suffering out. When I wrote my first love letter I learned to say goodbye, because my first love letter was also my last one.

4 comentarios:

  1. Tu blog me resulta familiar. Bueno, no tu blog, sino tu forma de escribir, de expresarte. Muchas de las cosas que dices me parece que podría escribirlas yo misma y tendría todo el sentido del mundo. Adoro la lectura y Barcelona y el café y el otoño y curso segundo de bachillerato y me gusta la fotografía y escribir y qué locura.

    Espero que esto no suene muy a gilipollez. Feliz fin de semana, por cierto.

    1. No suena a gilipollez para nada. Es muy curioso. :)

  2. ¿Es tuyo? Cada vez que lo visito me gusta más tu blog, y las preciosidades que encuentro. ¡Un abrazo!
